All Votes Matter in 2020: The Most Crucial Election Year Yet

2020 has been nothing short of a tumultuous year. From a global pandemic to political unrest to the mounting plea for racial and social justice, the escalation of the year seems to keep intensifying. And perhaps this feeling is here to stay until the final months of the year. We are all anxiously awaiting the…

Never More Together

Angst thrives on uncertainty and the brain is an anxious organ. In it’s desperate attempt to navigate some certainty, it fills with unease and theatrical play outs of worst-case scenarios based on feeble information. While we are all on high alert to the imminent dangers our minds advance on us, as well as those lurking…

How I Cleared My Hormonal Acne – FINALLY!

Acne is a real bitch. Acne is like “that bitch,” the one you really can’t stand who always seems to show up when you least wish them to. Best friends wedding coming up? Oh ya, she’ll be there. New Years Eve party on the horizon? Acne will surely make an appearance, chin and forehead beware. …


We grow with the seasons….

Modern Woman

Slut. We’ve all heard it. We’ve likely all been called it. Why? Because a slut is woman with the morals of a man. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily, but the notion behind it certainly is. Yes, we are talking double standards here friends; so get ready because unfortunately, they are alive and well….


never hesitate to hit the pause button. sometimes it’s the only way…

practice and a skill

It all begins and ends in your mind. It’s not what or who you are that holds you back….


There is a deeper purpose. With days like today. If someone ignites that much feeling in you, let them…